Jan 27, 2025 azuredevops
OWASP Dependency Check on Azure DevOps
I will start this blog post with what is OWASP? And I will continue with OWASP Top 10 known security vulnerabilities. I will provide an example pipeline that has OWASP Dependency Check on Azure DevOps. What is OWASP? The Open Worldwide…
Jan 08, 2025 azure
Creating SBOM with sbom-tool and CycloneDX on Azure DevOps
What is SBOM? A software bill of materials (SBOM) declares the inventory of components used to build a software artifact, including any open source and proprietary software components. It is the software analogue to the traditional manufacturing Bill of Materials (BOM), which is…
Dec 31, 2024 azure
Transform Classic Pipelines to YAML in Azure DevOps
In this tutorial blog post, I will mention about how to transform old build, release classic pipelines to yaml based pipelines. Classic Pipeline is GUI based pipeline creator that you use drag and drop pipeline steps. In old versions of…
Jul 18, 2023 azure
Azure Developer Certification AZ-204 Exam Preparation
In this article I will try to give you tips about preparing yourself for AZ-204 Azure Developer Certification Exam. Main page of AZ-204 on Microsoft, this page should be your home during your AZ-204 preparation time 😊 You can get…
Feb 27, 2020 programming
Winamp to Spotify
I want to tell you about my side project Winamp to Spotify. Digital transformation affected our music listening habits. Before Spotify or any other online music library we used to have mp3 archieves in our hard drives. The aim of…
Dec 27, 2019 agile
Common Challenges when Adapting Agile Project Management
In today’s software development environment, requirements has been changing during the product development cycle so that they can respond to changes from customers. Therefore, software development becomes a challenge, adapting changed requirements when development is going on. In the mid…
Dec 05, 2019 programming
Why Python so popular now?
I would like you to tell about why Python programming language is becoming more popular nowadays. Python language is invented by Guido van Rossum in 1991. Its main target was code readability. From 2003 Python programming language entered the most…
Mar 15, 2019 programming
Tasarım Kalıpları Örnekleri (Design Patterns)
Merhabalar, Bu yazımda sizlere .Net framework içerisinde yer alan tasarım desenlerinden (design patterns) bahsedeceğim. Farkında olmadan bu tasarım desenlerinden örneklerini farkında olmadan kullanıyoruz. Factory Tasarım Deseni Factory tasarım deseni aynı abstract sınıfı veya arayüzü uygulayan sınıfların üretiminden sorumludur. En çok…
Mar 15, 2019 programming
Python Programlama Dili Neden Giderek Popülaritesini Arttırıyor?
Sizlere dilim döndüğünce 1991 yılında Guido van Rossum tarafından geliştirilen ve ana feslefesi kod okunabilirliği olan Python programlama dilinin artan popülaritesinin nedenlerini açıklamaya çalışacağım. 2003 yılından itibaren en popüler 10 programlama dili arasına giriş yapan programlama dilinin popülaritesi doğrusal bir…